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This webinar was adapted from a keynote address delivered at the LD@school Educators’ Institute in 2017. The LD@school team is pleased to present the session: Beyond “Lazy" and "Unmotivated” - Why Educators Need to Know about Executive Skills presented by Dr. Peg Dawson.

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Presented by:

Dr. Peg Dawson, Psychologist, Centre for Learning and Attention Disorders, Seacoast Mental Health Center

About the Webinar:

When the conversation turns to executive skills, teachers and parents often say, “We didn’t know anything about these when we were growing up—and we turned out just fine.” In this webinar, Dr. Dawson confronts that sentiment head on. The co-author of Smart but Scattered and other books on executive skills explains the executive skills framework she’s been working with for over 20 years—why it’s a better way to describe struggling students than calling them lazy or unmotivated, and why the more teachers understand about these skills, the better they’ll be able to help students strengthen these important habits of mind. She will paint a picture of the strategies she sees as holding the most promise for helping students of all ages develop, tune up, and master these critical life skills.

Image of Peg DawsonDr. Peg Dawson worked as a school psychologist for many years before joining her colleague and co-author in establishing the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. By specializing in the assessment of children and adults with learning and attention disorders, she developed an interest in executive skills and how they impact learning. With her colleague and co-author, Dr. Richard Guare, she has written several books for parents, educators, and clinicians on executive skills, including Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Smart but Scattered, Smart but Scattered Teens, and Coaching Students with Executive Skills Weaknesses. Her most recent book addresses executive skills in adults and is called The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success.