| Backward Design for Explicit Instruction Template | Educator Supports | | www.ldatschool.ca/planning-teaching-explicit-instruction/ | educator-supports |
| BEDMAS Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| Brain Areas and Comprehension Skills | Literacy, Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy understanding-lds |
| Brain Areas and Math Skills | Math, Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/evidence-based-interventions-for-math/ | math understanding-lds |
| Brain Areas and Reading Skills | Literacy, Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy understanding-lds |
| Build-a-Word Game | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/phonological-morphological-approaches/ | literacy |
| Caring and safe schools in Ontario: Supporting Students with Special Education Needs through Progressive Discipline, Kindergarten to Grade 12 | Behaviour, Ministry Documents | | www.ldatschool.ca/lds-tips-for-dealing-with-classroom-behaviour/ | behaviour ministry-documents |
| Characteristics of Strong Phonics Instruction | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/the-dos-and-donts-of-phonics-instruction/ | literacy |
| Common Causes of Phonics Instructional Failure | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/the-dos-and-donts-of-phonics-instruction/ | literacy |
| Comparison Chart | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/keeping-school-work-track-staying-organized-graphic-organizers/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| Conceptual Organizer Template | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/keeping-school-work-track-staying-organized-graphic-organizers/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| COPS Strategy for Reviewing Writing | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/developing-interventions-for-students-with-writing-disabilities-addressing-the-most-complex-academic-problem/ | literacy |
| Counting to 99 – Card Game Rule Sheet | Math | | www.ldatschool.ca/counting-to-99/ | math |
| Creating Pathways to Success: An Education and Career/Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools | Ministry Documents | | www.ldatschool.ca/post-secondary-transition-planning/ | ministry-documents |
| Disclosure Chart for Post-Secondary Settings | Transitions | | www.ldatschool.ca/post-secondary-transition-planning/ | transitions |
| DRAW Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| Early Literacy Story Map Template | Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/building-oral-language-skills/ | literacy student-handout |
| Educator Support Guide for Transition Planning | Educator Supports, Transitions | | www.ldatschool.ca/introduction-to-transition-planning-for-students-with-lds/ | educator-supports transitions |
| Effective Teacher-Parent Partnerships Fact Sheet | Educator Supports, Parent Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/effective-parent-teacher-partnerships/ | educator-supports parent-handout |
| Elementary to Secondary Transition Planning Checklist for Students with LDs | Transitions | | www.ldatschool.ca/transitionelementarysecondary/ | transitions |
| Errorless/Keystone Approaches for Proactive Classroom Management | Behaviour | | www.ldatschool.ca/errorlesskeystone-approaches/ | behaviour |
| Evidence-Based Assessment in the Science of Reading: Cheat sheet – Comparing and Contrasting Assessment Purposes | Educator Supports, Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/evidence-based-assessment-reading/ | educator-supports literacy |
| Example Classification of Behavioural Concerns | Behaviour | | www.ldatschool.ca/positive-behavioural-interventions-supports/ | behaviour |
| Example Student Behaviour Matrix | Behaviour | | www.ldatschool.ca/positive-behavioural-interventions-supports/ | behaviour |
| FASTDRAW Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| FOIL Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| Homework Support Plan | Educator Supports, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/homework-strategies-students-lds/ | educator-supports student-handout |
| Homework Trouble-Shooter | Educator Supports | | www.ldatschool.ca/homework-strategies-students-lds/ | educator-supports |
| Including Students with Special Education Needs in French as a Second Language Programs:A Guide for Ontario Schools | Ministry Documents | | www.ldatschool.ca/programs-guide-ontario-schools/ | ministry-documents |
| Interventions for Reading Comprehension (3+) | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Reading Comprehension (K-2) | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Reading Fluency (3+). | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Reading Fluency (K-2) | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Sound/Symbol Association and Phonetic Coding (3+) | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Sound/Symbol Association and Phonetic Coding: Pre-K to Grade 2 | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Word Recognition/Automaticity (3+) | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Interventions for Word Recognition/Automaticity (K-2) | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-the-brain-to-read-strategies-for-enhancing-reading-decoding-fluency-and-comprehension/ | literacy |
| Know the Facts About Reading | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/facts-reading/ | literacy |
| Learning Experience Snapshot | Parent Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/learning-modules/promoting-the-school-family-relationship/maintaining-the-school-family-relationship/ | parent-handout |
| Learning for All: A Guide to Effective Assessment for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12 | Ministry Documents | | www.ldatschool.ca/teaching-guides/ | ministry-documents |
| Lesson Plan: Using Straws to Understand Place Value | Math | | www.ldatschool.ca/using-straws/ | math |
| Lesson Plan: Using the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Approach to Investigate Adding and Subtracting Integers | Math | | www.ldatschool.ca/concrete-representational-abstract/ | math |
| Likes/Dislikes Idea Generator | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/writing-circles/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| Making the Change to Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction: A guide for system leaders selecting and implementing reading programs. | Educator Supports, Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/making-the-change-to-evidence-based-literacy-instruction/ | educator-supports literacy |
| Mental Health & LDs: Myths and Facts | Mental Health & Well-Being | | www.ldatschool.ca/learning-disabilities-and-mental-health/ | mental-health |
| Mental Health & LDs: Myths and Facts | Mental Health & Well-Being, Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/learning-disabilities-and-mental-health/ | mental-health understanding-lds |
| Mind Map Template | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/keeping-school-work-track-staying-organized-graphic-organizers/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| Mindfulness Practices for the Classroom | Mental Health & Well-Being | | www.ldatschool.ca/section-title-promoting-social-and-emotional-competence-through-mindfulness/ | mental-health |
| Parent Reading Guide: What parents need to know about reading skills and struggling readers | Literacy, Parent Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/video-reading-interventions-school-wide/ | literacy parent-handout |
| PLAN & WRITE Strategy to Guide the Writing Process | Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/developing-interventions-for-students-with-writing-disabilities-addressing-the-most-complex-academic-problem/ | literacy student-handout |
| PLEASE Strategy for Planning and Writing Paragraphs | Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/developing-interventions-for-students-with-writing-disabilities-addressing-the-most-complex-academic-problem/ | literacy student-handout |
| Post-Secondary Transition Planning for Students with LDs Checklist | Transitions | | www.ldatschool.ca/post-secondary-transition-planning/ | transitions |
| Preventative and Corrective Approaches to Behaviour Management | Behaviour | | www.ldatschool.ca/behaviour-managementlds/ | behaviour |
| QRAC the Code – Reading Comprehension Worksheet | Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/qrac-the-code/ | literacy student-handout |
| RIDGES Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| Road to Reading Infographic | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/road-to-reading-infographic/ | literacy |
| Self-Assessment for Intermediate/Senior Students | Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/self-assessment/ | student-handout |
| Self-Assessment for Junior Students | Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/self-assessment/ | student-handout |
| Self-Assessment Form for Primary Students | Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/self-assessment/ | student-handout |
| Sequential Organizer | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/keeping-school-work-track-staying-organized-graphic-organizers/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| SIGNS Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| Snapshot of the Level of Well-being | Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/learning-modules/promoting-the-school-family-relationship/maintaining-the-school-family-relationship/ | student-handout |
| Social Competence Tip Sheet | Mental Health & Well-Being | | www.ldatschool.ca/mentalhealthsocialcompetence/ | mental-health |
| SOLVE Mnemonic Handout | Math, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-heuristics/ | math student-handout |
| Strategies for Addressing Student Stressors in the Classroom | Mental Health & Well-Being | | www.ldatschool.ca/identifying-addressing-stressors/ | mental-health |
| Strategies for Promoting Math Computation and Fluency | Math | | www.ldatschool.ca/evidence-based-interventions-for-math/ | math |
| Strategies for Promoting Math Problem-Solving | Math | | www.ldatschool.ca/evidence-based-interventions-for-math/ | math |
| Strategies to Support Students with LDs ‘Reading to Learn’ in Science | Educator Supports, Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/learn-science/ | educator-supports literacy |
| Supporting Minds: An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being | Mental Health & Well-Being, Ministry Documents | | www.ldatschool.ca/learning-disabilities-and-mental-health/ | mental-health ministry-documents |
| Supporting Oral Language in the Classroom: Educator Toolkit | Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/supporting-oral-language-in-the-classroom/ | literacy |
| Teaching Fractions: A Few Cautionary Notes | Educator Supports, Math | | www.ldatschool.ca/fractions/ | educator-supports math |
| Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively: An Educator’s Practice Guide | Educator Supports, Literacy | | | educator-supports literacy |
| The KWL Strategy Handout | Graphic Organizer, Literacy | | www.ldatschool.ca/the-kwl-strategy/ | graphic-organizer literacy |
| TOWER Strategy for Starting and Organizing a Paper | Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/developing-interventions-for-students-with-writing-disabilities-addressing-the-most-complex-academic-problem/ | literacy student-handout |
| Transition to Work – Checklist | Student Handout, Transitions | | www.ldatschool.ca/secondary-school-workplace/ | student-handout transitions |
| Twice Exceptional: Gifted Students with LDs Infographic | Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/gifted-students-with-lds-what-teachers-need-to-know/ | understanding-lds |
| Understanding Working Memory and Learning Disabilities Infographic | Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/understanding-working-memory-and-lds/ | understanding-lds |
| Venn Diagram | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/keeping-school-work-track-staying-organized-graphic-organizers/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| Word Association Diagram | Graphic Organizer, Literacy, Student Handout | | www.ldatschool.ca/writing-circles/ | graphic-organizer literacy student-handout |
| York Math Waterfall Chart: How Processing Affects Mathematics Learning | Educator Supports, Math, Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/math-york-waterfall-chart/ | educator-supports math understanding-lds |
| York Waterfall Chart – Understanding Learning Disabilities: How Processing Affects Learning | Understanding LDs | | www.ldatschool.ca/york-waterfall-chart/ | understanding-lds |