This webinar was adapted from a keynote address delivered at the LD@school Educators’ Institute in 2016. The LD@school team is pleased to present the session: Unlocking the power of the Relationship - Growing Social-Emotional Skills in Students with LDs presented by Dr. Colin King.
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Presented by:
Colin King, Ph.D., C. Psych., Psychologist with Thames Valley DSB and in Private Practice (Gilpin & Associates)
About the Webinar:
Social-emotional skills are increasingly recognized as an essential component for a child's future well-being and success. For students with a learning disability (LD) who may be at risk of developing challenges in this area, it can feel confusing and overwhelming about knowing how to help. This keynote presents a roadmap for understanding the social-emotional development of a child and share how educators can use the power of their relationship and their knowledge of the child to promote growth and success. Participants will leave with increased knowledge of social-emotional development and ways to promote precise and personalized growth for their students with LDs.
Dr. Colin King is a Psychologist and the Acting Coordinator of Psychological Services in the Thames Valley District School Board. He is actively involved in various initiatives within special education and in providing assessment, counseling, and consultation services. Dr. King has trained and worked in a variety of community, hospital, and mental health settings with children and adolescents experiencing learning, behavioural, and social-emotional difficulties. He serves as an adjunct professor of Psychology at Western University and is engaged in graduate student training and supervision.