Transitioning to the Workplace
Canada’s 2012 Census reported a rather gloomy picture of employment for those with a learning disability. The employment rate for adults, aged 15 to 24, with LDs was only 25.9%, or about half the employment rate for those without any disability (51.9%). Adults with a learning disability also tend to work fewer hours per week, earn less, and report facing numerous barriers in the workplace. “The most commonly cited deterrents to entering the labour force reported by adults with a learning disability were inadequate training or experience, a lack of locally available jobs, and having been unsuccessful in the past” [1].
The transition from Secondary school to the workplace needs to be well planned to help avoid a negative experience. As students prepare to enter the workplace their transition plan should consider their ability to self-advocate, identify workplace challenges, request accommodations, and understand their rights.
Use the following worksheet to help support students in their transition from secondary school to the workplace.
Click here to view and download the Transition to Work Checklist.
[1] Statistics Canada, 2015