Technology for All: Post-learning Self-assessment

Click on the “Start Quiz” button to test your knowledge after completing this learning module. Then, use the reflection questions below to connect your learning to your teaching practice.

Post-learning Reflections Questions

Reflecting on your results from the pre-learning self-assessment and the material you have covered in this module, consider the following questions.

If you are completing this module with a partner or group, brainstorm some answers together. Plan a discussion at your next meeting to see what progress you have made.

  1. How will you use technology to increase student engagement in your lessons, particularly for those with LDs?
  2. How will you use technology to increase student achievement in your classroom, particularly for those with LDs?
  3. How will you use technology to facilitate communication and collaboration among:
    • Students?
    • Yourself and your students?
    • Yourself and your colleagues?
    • Yourself and parents?
  4. How will you use technology to assist you with the following aspects of assessment:
    • Assessment for learning?
    • Assessment as learning?
    • Assessment of learning?
  5. What further knowledge or support do you require to better integrate technology into your teaching practice?