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A child’s oral language ability provides the foundation for learning at school and is critical to both social and academic success. The Language Intervention Through Engaging Stories (LITES) program was developed at Upper Grand District School Board in order to provide support for children in kindergarten through grade two who have difficulty with oral language skills.
This program is delivered to small groups of 2 or 3 children, facilitated by a Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA). A Speech-Language Pathologist provides language goals to move students through the four stages of the program: language foundations, narrative foundations, advanced narratives, language for higher-order thinking. In each stage, there are a variety of activities are used to target skills, like vocabulary, oral narration, language structure (grammar and syntax), verbal reasoning, comprehension and phonological awareness, with increasing levels of difficulty.
Embedded in each lesson plan for a LITES session, are specific strategies that can be used in the primary classroom as well. Watch the video to learn more about LITES, how it can help students build their oral language skills, and how to implement some of the same strategies in your classroom.
To learn more about the LITES program and the strategies that can be carried over to your classroom, click here to read the LD@school article "Building Oral Language Skills through Classroom Instruction: Six High-Yield Strategies to Borrow from the Clinic".
Download a copy of our story map template, below:
Click here to view the Example Story Map for "The Runaway Tractor"