Presented by Dr. Marjory Phillips, C.Psych, Director, Integra Program, Child Development Institute
Click here to view the transcript of this webinar.
Students with learning disabilities (LDs) are two to three times more likely to experience significant mental health challenges than their peers (Esmaili et al., 2015; Wilson et al., 2009). Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in childhood (Waddell et al., 2005). However, identifying anxiety and knowing when specialized supports are needed is a complicated task for educators of students with LDs.
This webinar provided educators with an understanding of the relationship between anxiety and LDs. Practical strategies for supporting the student with anxiety and LDs in primary, elementary, and secondary school settings were shared.
About the speaker:
Dr. Marjory Phillips is the Director of the Integra Program at the Child Development Institute, the only accredited children’s mental health agency in Canada to specialize in providing mental health services to children, youth and families with learning disabilities. Dr. Phillips received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the University of Waterloo. Cross-appointed as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Queen’s University, Dr. Phillips worked as a clinical psychologist and clinical director in a children’s treatment rehabilitation in Kingston for 12 years. She joined the Queen’s University Psychology Department on a full-time basis in 2004 to establish a psychology training clinic for graduate students and to pursue research interests in pediatric acquired brain injury and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Dr. Phillips moved to Toronto in 2008 to join Integra where she has also held cross appointments as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at York University and is a Clinical Supervisor with the University of Toronto.