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Webinar Description:
Academic streaming has led to the disproportionate representation of students from historically and currently marginalized groups in lower-stream programming, leading to poorer outcomes. When streaming is removed, students of varying abilities will be in the same class, so differentiation is key. This webinar will explore the moral imperative for destreaming, the benefits of destreaming, and the changes that need to be made to instruction to ensure that all students in your class can access the curriculum.
About the Presenter:
Jason To serves as the Coordinator of Secondary Mathematics and Academic Pathways for the Toronto District School Board, where he works with K-12 staff to tackle academic streaming/tracking and shift towards more equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive teaching. As a former high school math department head, he began challenging streaming in 2015 by eliminating Applied math classes and teaching inclusive Grade 9 Academic math, leading to significant gains for students with special education identifications.