The Dos and Don’ts of Phonics Instruction
This article, adapted from Wiley Blevins (2021), discusses the characteristics of strong phonics instruction and common causes of phonics instructional failure
This article, adapted from Wiley Blevins (2021), discusses the characteristics of strong phonics instruction and common causes of phonics instructional failure
This article will help you understand the role that decodable texts play in developing early reading and encoding skills for students.
The development of an IEP is an essential process in the continuous progress of students with special education needs. It is important to involve, include and support parents throughout this process in order to ensure that they understand it and are comfortable with the support provided by educators.
Creating inclusive classrooms can be hard work. It takes commitment to the guidelines of inclusion and a willingness to critically examine our beliefs, assumptions, and practices.
Problem-solving is an important skill in math curricula around the world, however, it presents many challenges for students, especially those with LDs. Preparatory activities can be used in math class to reduce student anxiety and develop problem-solving skills, through thoughtful engagement.
Click here to view and download the Facts about Reading Handout. Written by Stacey Rickman Learning to read is NOT a natural process - it must be taught. Learning to speak and listen is a natural process that typically developing children learn by being immersed in oral language; learning to read is not, and must [...]
By: Adrianna Arsenault & Dr. Jess Whitley Creating a safe, inclusive and caring learning community is an important part of addressing students’ diverse needs. In an inclusive classroom, all students feel welcome and valued, see themselves in their environment, and have their learning needs met. However, online learning presents unique opportunities and challenges for teachers [...]
Gail Brant-Terry, of the Upper Canada District School Board shares their ‘Circles of Support’ visual graphic to help guide relationships and provide Indigenous students, non-Indigenous students, educators, and families the to best possible support.
The Road to Reading infographic was designed to provide an easy-to-follow visual overview of the developmental sequence in which foundational literacy skills are acquired in students.
Stephanie Dionne has collected advice from teachers on how educators can stay connected with students who have learning disabilities (LDs) while learning remotely.