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  • Image of a brain and two students

WEBINAR RECORDING: Strengthening Executive Functioning Skills in the Classroom

Executive function is an umbrella term covering a number of management functions, including organization, self-regulation, planning, and self-monitoring. The presentation will focus on research-based instructional strategies and accommodations that contribute to the classroom success of students with executive function LDs. During the webinar, the speakers will define executive function, and identify the signs of executive functioning needs and their impact on academic and behavioural success. The presentation will also highlight the brain areas associated with executive function, the developmental progression of executive functioning, and how the environment can influence the development of the regulatory system in the brain, including how executive functioning skills are employed during times of stress.

By |April 21st, 2016|Categories: Executive Function|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on WEBINAR RECORDING: Strengthening Executive Functioning Skills in the Classroom

WEBINAR RECORDING: Lead with Pedagogy, follow with Technology

In this interactive webinar, DJ Cunningham will help educators understand how to utilize assistive technology in the classroom to enhance student engagement and learning. Leading with pedagogy and following with technology is an approach to help students strategically understand how to use assistive educational technology, such as Read&Write for Google ChromeTM and Google Apps for Education.

By |January 25th, 2016|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on WEBINAR RECORDING: Lead with Pedagogy, follow with Technology

WEBINAR RECORDING: Understanding How our Students with LDs Process Information: Contextualizing working memory and cognitive load

Supporting the learning needs of students with learning disabilities requires more than a passing understanding of memory and the architecture of the mind. By exploring Baddeley and Hitch’s (1974) model of working memory, Jeffrey MacCormack and Ian Matheson will explain how information is processed and coded through memory systems and then later retrieved from the long-term memory.

By |November 30th, 2015|Categories: Executive Function|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on WEBINAR RECORDING: Understanding How our Students with LDs Process Information: Contextualizing working memory and cognitive load
  • Photo of Dr. Cameron

Webinar Recording: Adolescent Stress, Coping Strategies and Learning Disabilities

This interactive webinar assisted participants in understanding the relationship between stress and coping strategies in adolescents with learning disabilities (LDs). In order to become familiar with these concepts, a framework on stress and coping strategies was first be presented. Then, the presenter discussed how the framework applies to stress and coping strategies for adolescents with LDs. The webinar concluded with an activity using case studies to help educators identify practical and effective interventions for students with LDs who are experiencing stress and who require functional coping strategies.

By |October 8th, 2015|Categories: Behaviour, Mental Health & Well-Being|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Webinar Recording: Adolescent Stress, Coping Strategies and Learning Disabilities
  • Image of Dr Colin KIng

Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Students with Learning Disabilities

Click here to view the transcription of this webinar. Webinar Description: Many students with learning disabilities also struggle in their social-emotional development. How can educators and professionals support the development and social-emotional skills of children with learning disabilities? This webinar provided an overview of the complex interactions between learning disabilities and the development of social-emotional challenges in [...]

By |April 22nd, 2015|Categories: Mental Health & Well-Being|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Supporting the Social and Emotional Development of Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Photo of Daniel

Understanding Developmental Dyscalculia: A Math Learning Disability

Please click here to download the PDF transcript for this webinar. Webinar Description: Approximately 5% of children have a specific learning disability* affecting their ability to acquire even the most basic numerical and mathematical skills. This difficulty has been referred to as ‘developmental dyscalculia’. So what is developmental dyscalculia, how does it impact learning, and how can [...]

By |March 4th, 2015|Categories: Math|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Understanding Developmental Dyscalculia: A Math Learning Disability
  • Ryan Machete, Webinar Presenter

Transitioning to Post-Secondary: The Importance of Planning with the End in Mind

For secondary students with learning disabilities (LDs), planning for the transition to post-secondary is an important and multi-faceted process. This webinar explores the various components of, and considerations for, the transition planning process and will cover a variety of topics.

By |October 22nd, 2014|Categories: Transitions|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Transitioning to Post-Secondary: The Importance of Planning with the End in Mind
  • Image for the video: The Evolution of Assistive Technology: Mobile Learning in a Digital World

The Evolution of Assistive Technology: Mobile Learning in a Digital World

 Click here to access a transcript of this webinar.

By |August 7th, 2014|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Evolution of Assistive Technology: Mobile Learning in a Digital World
  • Image for the webinar: Why Should I Read that Psychoeducational Assessment?

Why Should I Read that Psychoeducational Assessment?

For a student with a learning disability (LD), a psychoeducational assessment report can provide invaluable information to help understand the learner and can recommendations of ways to help. However, deciphering a psychoeducational report and translating it into interventions to support the student, can be tricky. This webinar explains how psychoeducational assessments are administered, what information [...]

By |August 7th, 2014|Categories: IEPs|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Why Should I Read that Psychoeducational Assessment?
  • Image for the webinar: IEP Development and implementation: Considering the Student, the Environment and the Academic Domain

IEP Development and implementation: Considering the Student, the Environment and the Academic Domain

Click here to view a transcript of this webinar recording. In this webinar, Dr.Rhonda Martinussen and Dr.Todd Cunningham discuss the development and implementation of a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) from various perspectives, including the need to consider the academic and social strengths of the student with a learning disability, the nature of the environment [...]

By |March 26th, 2014|Categories: IEPs|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on IEP Development and implementation: Considering the Student, the Environment and the Academic Domain